CHUSY's Social Action & tikkun olam Prom
CHUSY's Social Action & Tikkun Olam Prom
Join your CHUSY friends for an amazing night of fun night of dancing, karaoke, writing letters to Israel, and more!
The goal of the prom is to raise money for Tikkun Olam through donations, auctions and other fun surprises! All money raised from registration and events at prom will be used for charity such as the Israeli Children's Fund.
Where: Congregation Beth Shalom
3433 Walters Ave, Northbrook, IL 60062
When: January 27th, 2024
Drop Off: 7pm
Pickup: 10:30pm
$36 Minimum Donation
*All proceeds raised will go to USY's Tikkun Olam Fund
All participants should bring cash and coins for Tikkun Olam challenges and regalia sales!
Open to all Jewish 8th-12th graders!
Questions? Email Parker Weber pweber@uscj.org