THE chusy constitution
Article I - Name
Section 1
The name of this organization shall be Chicagoland USY, as part of the central district, commonly known as “CHUSY” and hereinafter referred to as “CHUSY.”
Article II - Aims & Objectives
Section 1
The objective of this organization shall be to encourage Jewish youth to strengthen
their identity with Judaism through participation in USY.
Section 2
The general aim of the United Synagogue Youth program is to bring about a meaningful and fully reciprocal encounter of Judaism, the Jewish people, and the Synagogue on one side, and the Jewish teenager on the other. As a result of this encounter, the Jewish teenager will, firstly, demonstrate and experience how the Jewish way of living, through study, action and fellowship, leads to personal fulfillment and growth while meeting their spiritual and social needs, and secondly, make a significant contribution to their synagogue, community, society and the Jewish people.
Article III-Affiliation
Section 1
The membership of CHUSY Region shall consist of an unlimited number of Jewish teens who are in eighth grade through twelfth grade.
Section 2
The membership of CHUSY shall consist of an unlimited number of teens in chapters sponsored by the synagogues affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism in the Chicagoland Area in the central region of USY.
Each chapter shall have the power to elect its officers, impose/charge dues upon its members and perform any functions necessary and proper for the general good and welfare of its members.
All chapter/regional officers and board members must be paid members of USY.
A chapter, to remain in good standing, must pay all dues to the regional and central offices each year by the date designated.
Section 3
The Members of USY shall be organized in Chapters of unlimited number, sponsored by synagogues retaining affiliation with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.
Each chapter shall have the power to elect its Officers, levy dues upon its Members, and perform any functions necessary and proper for the general good and welfare of its Members.
Each Region may fix minimum and maximum age qualifications for Membership in United Synagogue Youth, provided they fall within the stipulations of this Constitution, or they may delegate such power to the constituent Chapters.
Section 4
Any chapter may be suspended or expelled from CHUSY for conduct in violation of this constitution or any policies of USY.
A chapter may be expelled or suspended by 2/3 vote of the Regional Council in concurrence with the General Board of CHUSY (RGB) and the National Youth Commission, providing the chapter has 30 days to answer charges.
Suspension shall not continue past the end of the fiscal year, at which time the chapter shall be fully reinstated unless suspension is removed by a 2/3 vote of the Regional Council before that time.
A chapter shall not be required to pay dues while suspended.
Article IV-Membership
Section 1
All members of CHUSY shall affiliate with a chapter officially affiliated with CHUSY, or with the region itself, with the aim of eventual chapter membership.
Section 2
Regional annual dues shall be $10.00 per year, in addition to International dues, and shall be paid through the chapters to the International USY Office. Regional annual dues may be changed by a majority vote of the Regional Youth Commission and CHUSY Regional president.
Article V-Programming
Section 1
Each chapter, guided by a rabbi, shall be required to observe all Jewish laws, including Kashrut and Shabbat, at all its functions.
Each chapter with regular programing, shall be required to provide a religious education program once a semester.
Each chapter with regular programing, shall be required to provide a social action or community service program once a semester.
Each chapter with regular programming shall be required to provide an Israel education program once a semester.
All money raised for tzedakah must be channeled through the USY Tikun Olam fund unless there are special circumstances at the discretion of the Regional Director.
Section 2
Programs planned and run by four or more chapters must be open to any member of CHUSY Region.
Article VI-Regional Executive Board
Section 1
The Regional Executive Board (REB) of CHUSY shall consist of a President, Executive/Programming Vice President, Israel Affairs Vice President, Membership/Kadima Vice President, Religion/Education Vice President, Social Action/Tikun Olam Vice President, and Communications Vice President. These officers shall perform the duties set forth in this Constitution.
Section 2
Eligibility to run for REB requires that a candidate:
Have attended a minimum of 2 religious services a month, 1 of which must be Shabbat.
Have participated in at least 1.5 hours of supervised Judaic studies a week.
The region shall help provide opportunities for this study
Members are heavily encouraged to utilize the USY International Torah Bytes program to work towards achieving their hour and a half requirement
Have a reading knowledge of Hebrew, or that the candidate be in the process of acquiring such knowledge
Have attended at least 75% of all regional programs the year preceding the election
Excluding events that the travel time from your place of residence is longer than the event itself;
Have at least two of the following for at least one term each:
Chapter board member
Chapter officer
Regional general board chairman
Be in at least their second year of attendance of high school
Once elected, an officer must have the above-mentioned qualifications throughout their term. In addition, they must
Attend 100% regional functions unless otherwise excused by the Regional President or Regional Director (excluding events that the travel time from your place of residence is longer than the event itself)
Introduction: As leaders of USY, the Officers serve as accessible Jewish role models (dugmaot) to the USY constituency. In that capacity, they are expected to aspire to become ideal Conservative Jews, reflecting a strong commitment to Jewish survival and the performance of mitzvot.
The Officers of United Synagogue Youth shall observe the Sabbath and Jewish Holidays with regard to the Responsum of the Rabbinical Assembly pertaining to Travel, and by refraining from all school examinations and public functions thereon. (The Jewish Holidays include Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Pesach, Shavuot, Sukkot and Simhat Torah.)
The Officers shall observe the dietary laws where possible in private and at all times in public.
The Officers shall participate in some mode of Judaic study for not less than three hours weekly; they shall attend not less than four religious services monthly, three of which must be on the Sabbath.
The Officers will foster a safe and inclusive community. USY leaders should serve as the embodiment of USY’s Zero Tolerance policy towards bullying, and create a welcoming environment.
The Officers are expected to hold themselves and each other to the highest ethical standards. This includes refraining from Lashon Hara (gossip) and treating others with Kavod (respect).
The Officers will strive to model healthy Jewish dating choices. These include recognizing the importance of dating within the Jewish community and treating each person with the recognition that they were created Betzelem Elohim (in the image of God).
It is expected that the leaders of the organization refrain from the illegal use of drugs and the illegal use of alcohol.
The Officers shall participate actively in the affairs of their respective Chapters, and in all of the activities of their respective Regions.
The provisions contained herein shall also apply to the remainder of the membership of the International General Board of USY as well as all members of Regional USY Executive Boards.
The International Youth Commission, USY President, Director, all Regional Youth Commissions, Presidents, and Directors shall make every effort to assure that these basic standards are adhered to by our USY leaders.
Section 3
The officers shall constitute the Executive Board of CHUSY, which shall meet not less than 8 times a year as directed by the President. The Executive Board shall advise the Regional Council and act as governing body in its absence.
Section 4
In addition to service on this Executive Board of CHUSY and fulfilling standards, each officer shall be responsible for performing the specific duties of the office.
Shall call and preside over all meetings of the Region.
Shall serve as official representative of CHUSY to International USY and to all other outside organizations
Shall report to the Region as to the State of the Region
Shall serve as a member of all committees
Shall have the power to make decisions for the Region in time of emergency. These decisions must be approved by the Executive Board as a whole within a week.
Executive Vice President
Shall oversee all regional programs excluding the Tikun Olam Event
Shall oversee all activities between chapters and have the power to clear all programs involving more than three chapters
Shall assist the President and other officers in carrying out their duties
Shall serve as president, taking all appropriate rights and responsibilities, upon absence or incapability of the President
Israel Affairs Vice-President
Shall be responsible for overseeing all aspects of Israel programming, including the Chalutzim group,the Israel Affairs Regional Board position, NOAM Olami general board, and any other positions the Regional Executive Board sees fit
Shall be responsible for overseeing certain chapters as decided by the Regional President
Shall assist the President and other officers in carrying out their duties
Shall plan Israel programs for regional conventions and events.
Shall oversee all chapter IA’s and aid in chapter Israel programming
Membership/Kadima Vice President
Shall oversee these Regional Board positions: Membership, Kadima, Senior Programming, Athletics and Recruitment, and any other positions the Regional Executive Board sees fit
Shall assist the President and other officers in carrying out their duties
Shall serve as President upon the absence of the above mentioned officers
Shall be responsible for overseeing certain chapters as decided by the Regional President
Religion/Education Vice President
Shall oversee these Regional Board position: Religion, Education, Ruach, Slow Ruach, and A.J. Heschel Honor Society, and any other positions the Regional Executive Board sees fit
Shall be responsible for organizing davening leadership roles, with the help of the Rel/Ed RGB.
Shall assist the President and other officers in carrying out their duties
Shall be responsible for overseeing certain chapters as decided by the Regional President
Social Action/Tikun Olam Vice President
Shall oversee these Regional Board positions: Social Action, Tikun Olam
Shall oversee planning for various Tikun Olam or social action events for the region throughout the year, including at least one annual Tikun Olam Event
Shall serve on all fundraising and Tikun Olam committees
Shall assist the President and other officers in carrying out their duties
Shall be responsible for overseeing certain chapters as decided by the Regional President
Communications Vice President
Shall keep an accurate record of all meetings of the Region
Shall issue all correspondence as directed by the President
Shall have access to and utilize CHUSY social media accounts
Shall oversee these Regional Board positions: Harakevet, Yearbook, and Regalia, and any other positions the Regional Executive Board sees fit
Shall assist the President and other officers in carrying out their duties
Shall be responsible for overseeing certain chapters as decided by the Regional President
Section 5
Any regional officer may be suspended for gross neglect of duty or misconduct by a 2/3 vote of the Regional Executive Board and with the consent of the Regional Director. The period of suspension to be determined by the Board, and not to exceed the duration of the current term.
Any regional officer may be removed for gross neglect of duty or misconduct by a ¾ vote of the Regional Council. Said officer has 30 days to respond to charges. Failure to obey religious standards as stated in the USY Constitution constitutes gross neglect of duty and misconduct for the purpose of the CHUSY Constitution.
The Regional President and Regional Director together shall have the power to immediately suspend or expel any member of the Regional General Board, for any of the following:
Using or being in the possession of any contraband
Repeated absence from General and/or Executive Board meetings
Repeated absence from Regional programs
Lack of effort in performing prescribed duties of job
Violating the rules and regulations of any USY event
Not fulfilling the requirements necessary as an elected officer
In the event the Board Member in question is the President, the next highest ranking Executive Board Member, who is not in the order of succession, will take the place of the President in this process.
All Board Members, upon taking position, shall sign a contract stating that they have read this rule, understand it, and shall follow it. This shall be sent out by the Regional Director, and they shall oversee its collection. This shall serve as a contract if needed.
Section 6
Upon a vacancy in the Presidency, the Executive Vice President shall assume the office. Upon a vacancy in the Executive Vice Presidency, the Membership/Kadima Vice President shall assume that office. If the Membership/Kadima Vice President should also be the Executive Vice President, then the Israel Affairs Vice President shall assume that office.
Upon vacancy in any other office, the Regional Executive Board shall select a new officer within six (6) weeks from the date that the office becomes vacant. The Executive Board shall take appropriate action in the interim.
Article VII-Regional Board
Section 1
The Regional General Board shall consist of all committee chairpeople covering areas as deemed necessary by the Regional Executive Board.
Section 2
The Regional Board members shall be responsible for aiding the chapters and or Region in the duties which they have been appointed to. Regional Board members demonstrate their abilities prior to their appointment.
Section 3
The Regional Executive Board shall have the power to select all Regional Board members.
This must be done a month before the year’s Leadership Training Institute.
If there are any open positions, the Regional Executive Board shall have the power to select Regional Board members who apply to be appointed to said positions.
Section 4
All Regional Board members must be paid members of the Region.
A Regional Board member may be suspended for gross neglect of duty or misconduct by a 2/3 vote of the Regional Executive Board, the period to be determined by the Executive Board.
A Regional Board member may be removed by ¾ vote of the Regional Board.
Upon vacancy in a Regional Board position, the Executive Board shall appoint a new Board member within six (6) weeks of vacancy.
Article VIII-Regional Conduct
Section 1
The Regional Council shall consist of the following:
Regional Executive Board
Regional General Board
Chapter Presidents
Section 2
Each voting member of the Regional Council must be a member of CHUSY.
Section 3
The Regional Council shall be the official body of CHUSY. It has the power to make decisions, transact business, adopt amendments to this constitution and perform all other action pursuant to the goals of CHUSY and within the framework of this constitution.
Regional Council shall have the power to remove any of its members by ¾ majority of the Council upon recommendation of the Executive Board.
Any Council member who is absent for two or more Council meetings during their term, with Regional President’s excuse, or one without prior excuse shall lose their status as a Council member and all rights and opportunities thereof.
Section 4
The Regional Council shall meet at least two times during the course of the year.
Section 5
Council meetings may also be convened by a petition of a majority of the Chapter Presidents, upon notice to the Regional President.
Section 6
Except in cases of emergency, at least two weeks notice shall be given by the President before any meeting.
Section 7
A quorum shall consist of at least half of all officers, Board members, Chapter Presidents and Representatives.
Section 8
The President’s Council shall consist of the Regional President and all chapter Presidents. It shall meet separately from Council at least twice each year to deal with matters specifically concerning the chapters.
Section 9
The constitution shall be reviewed at least, but is not limited to every five years. If revisions are needed it will be revised by a committee that consists of the Regional President, Regional Communications Vice President, and the chapter presidents or highest ranking official of every chapter and another delegate of their chapter.
Article IX-Convention
Section 1
CHUSY shall hold an annual Kinnus during the spring of each year. It shall be held over a weekend.
Section 2
The Convention body shall have the power to elect the regional officers for the following term, to amend this constitution, and to conduct all other business pursuant to the goals of CHUSY and within the framework of this constitution.
Section 3
A simple majority shall prevail unless otherwise stated.
Section 4
Proposed constitutional amendments must be submitted to the President at least two (2) weeks before Kinnus.
All constitutional amendments shall be passed by a 2/3 vote of the Convention body.
Section 5
In order to qualify for office, each prospective candidate must submit an enforcement sheet with the signatures of the chapter president, advisor, rabbi, educator and parent/legal guardian.
Each prospective candidate shall also submit a qualification sheet listing chapter, regional and international involvement, Jewish education, and academic involvement and achievement to the Regional President by a specified deadline.
Section 6
The purpose of the Selection Committee shall be to review the qualification sheet of prospective candidates for regional office and to grant qualified candidates the right to run for their chosen regional office.
The Selection Committee’s decision shall be based on the qualifications presented by each prospective candidate.
The Selection Committee shall consist of the Regional President, Regional Director and a chosen representative of the Regional Youth Commission.
The Youth Commission representative shall be chosen by the chairman of the Regional Youth Commission.
The Selection Committee shall meet at least 30 days prior to the election to review prospective candidates’ qualifications.
The Selection Committee shall announce the candidates within 2 days after the meeting of the Committee.
Section 7
Anyone judged as not qualified as stated in Article VI, Section 2 of this constitution shall not be permitted to run for office in that election.
Section 8
Kinnus elections shall proceed in the order defined in Article VI Section 4 as follows:
Ballots shall be distributed to all voting members containing the names of candidates
Presidential and Executive Vice-Presidential candidates shall be permitted to be a candidate for no more than two (2) different offices at the election (i.e. Presidential and Executive Vice Presidential candidates may only “drop down” to one (1) of the other vice-presidential elections should they lose their respective election). Intent to “drop down” must be declared to the President, RTED, and ARTED no later than two weeks before the election.
All other vice-presidential candidates shall be permitted to be a candidate for only one (1) office (i.e. vice-presidential candidates may not “drop down” to any other vice presidential elections, unless there is a vacant position).
Each candidate shall be nominated by a member of the convention body, and must accept the nomination. Then, they shall be introduced by the President and are allowed to deliver a speech to the convention body. The candidates for President are allotted five (5) minutes, while all other candidates are allotted three (3) minutes.
After all speeches for an office have been made, the convention body votes:
The following members are eligible to vote:
Members of the Regional Council (Chapter Presidents, REB members, RGB members)
Chapters will also be allotted additional votes to give to their delegates based on the average (rounded to the nearest whole number) amount of USYers that each Chapter sent to the conventions listed below:
The previous year’s Spring CHUSY Kinnus, the Fall CHUSY convention, the Kadima convention(s), and the Winter CHUSY convention/event.
In the event that one of those events is not held, or if a new convention or major event is added, it will be up to the Regional Executive Board, the CHUSY Director(s), and a representative from the CHUSY Youth Commission to decide if that event is included in the average.
Each chapter will have a minimum of 1 vote per chapter with no delegate voting more than once. Should a chapter have fewer attendees at Kinnus than the number of votes they receive, leftover votes are forfeited.
To vote, the voter writes the candidate’s name. To abstain, the voter leaves their ballot blank.
Ballots are then collected by people appointed by staff appointed by the Regional Teen Engagement Director. The ballots are counted by the Regional Teen Engagement Directorand a representative of the Regional Youth Commission. Candidates may appoint one adult as an official ballot observer.
To win, a candidate must have a majority of all ballots cast, including abstentions. If no candidate has such a majority, the candidate with the lowest number of votes is eliminated.
If no majority has been reached, the voting procedure as described in clause D and E are repeated until one candidate has a majority.
Only one person may be elected to each office.
Section 9
The officers shall be installed within 48 hours of their election.
If an office remains vacant after elections, that officer shall be selected by the Executive Board at a meeting to be held within 6 weeks of Kinnus. The time and method to be determined by the Regional President and Regional Director.
Section 10
There shall be no vicious campaigning. There shall be no campaigning on Shabbat and holidays. These actions, or any violation of this constitution, shall be grounds for disqualification of the candidate by the Regional President and Regional Director.
No candidate may distribute more than $15.00 worth of campaign material or have more than two (2) election posters posted at elections.