We are so excited to be returning to the beautiful Perlstein Resort at Camp Chi for our first convention of the 2023 School Year! Join us December 8-10th, 2023 for a weekend full of fun programming, food, friends, and more!
Join us! This year our annual Fall convention is open to 5th-12th graders in CHUSY and those across USY. There will be two CHUSY conventions ran during the same weekend at Perlstein Resort. CHUSYFest for 8th-12th grade is The Lorax themed, while GesherFest for 5th-7th grade's convention is Cat In The Hat themed.
Open to all Jewish teens, 5th-12th graders. The weekend will be fully staffed (1:8 ratio) by CHUSY staff, including your synagogue and chapter advisors. We will observe Shabbat, eat delicious kosher food, learn USY traditions, meet new people, and participate in social action projects.
Are you in 8th-12th grade and this is your first paid Jewish teen program? Get up to 50% off through JUF Springboard's access grants go to CHUSY.org/springboardgrants to apply
*Transportation will be provided from the Chicago Northwest suburbs, Madison, WI, and Milwaukee, WI. Specific Transportation locations coming soon.
COVID Protocols will be determined by the USY Medical Committee in accordance with CDC guidelines. We currently require all participants to be fully vaccinated to attend.